Many reports from the past few weeks have suggested Apple has a lot in store for its fanbase in 2023, including some never-before-seen stuff like an AR/VR headset. A 15-inch MacBook Air is in the pipeline, too, along with AirPods Max 2 and an affordable (US$99) pair of AirPods. Flamboyant leaker Jon Prosser says Apple plans to reveal something tomorrow (January 17 2023).
The mystery product will be unveiled without the usual fanfare and instead debut on Apple’s website. This rules out the possibility of it being a high-profile launch, ruling out the headset. Ian Zelbo, a 3D artist who works closely with Prosser, says it could be a new Mac, presumably an M2-powered iMac. A Mac Mini running the same chip could also be shown off. Alternatively, it could be a huge nothing burger, and all we get to see tomorrow is some new iPhone 14 colour variants.
9to5Mac opines Apple could unveil the M2 Pro/M2 Max powered 14-inch and 16-inch Pro MacBook Pros tomorrow. While that is plausible, a report from earlier suggested they wouldn’t be ready for a Q1 2023 launch. Furthermore, Apple will almost certainly have a dedicated event planned to show off its M2 Pro/M2 Max/M2 Ultra/Extreme chips and not launch them slyly via a press release. Besides, it has to save some of the “good stuff” for WWDC.
I’ve been an avid PC gamer since the age of 8. My passion for gaming eventually pushed me towards general tech, and I got my first writing gig at the age of 19. I have a degree in mechanical engineering and have worked in the manufacturing industry and a few other publications like Wccftech before joining Notebookcheck in November 2019. I cover a variety of topics including smartphones, gaming, and computer hardware.