Apple’s “Let Loose” event showed commuters looking at their iPads instead of the scenery — but what they missed was a view of San Fransisco’s Bay Area that doesn’t exist.
As ever, Apple’s video production is exquisitely well produced, and a real demonstration of how other technology companies fall flat in their presentations. In this case, one part of that was in showing what appeared to be a perfectly-timed drone shot of a train making its way both through San Fransisco and through the middle of the frame.
But local publication SFGate wasn’t fooled and said there was an “instant tell” that Bay Area had been doctored. As seen in the event, the train gently cuts through a beautiful tree-lined route — but in reality, Apple had to erase the I-280 to make it look like that.
On the other hand, Apple was praised for its realism as the scene was shot using one of the Bay Area Rapid Transit’s (BART) new railcars. And John Ternus had to grip a pole for balance, like a real commuter.