On Friday, Apple was granted four design Patents from the Hong Kong Patent Office covering Apple’s MacBook Air and an Apple Store design. In addition, Apple filed for the trademark “CloudKit” in Hong Kong while providing a ‘Specimen’ for same trademark in the U.S. filing only.
Unlike “patent applications” that provide the public with an abstract, summary and details of an invention, design patents published around the world are limited to only providing the public with design patent figures. No additional specifics of the design are made available.
Design Patent: MacBook Air
Design Patent: Apple Store
On Friday, Apple was granted two “Apple Store” Design Patents under numbers 2220588.6M001 and ‘.6M002 for “Retail Store.” Apple filed these design patents under Locarno Classification 25-03 which covers “Buildings.”
In other IP News, Apple filed for the trademark “CloudKit” in Hong Kong under application number 306133554. Apple filed their trademark under International Classes 09 and 42 as presented below.
Class 09: Computer software used in developing other software applications; application development software; database management software.
Class 42: Electronic data storage services.
Apple filed for CloudKit in the U.S. under two applications (97713822 and 97713824) but only under International Class 09 for both. The U.S. trademark application came with a ‘Specimen’ for USPTO.
Apple Specimen
The U.S. Patent Office defines a specimen as being an example of how a company is actually using their trademark in the marketplace with the goods or services in their application. It’s what consumers see when they are considering whether to purchase goods or subscribe to services that Apple provides in connection with their trademark. Below is a partial image of the ‘Specimen’ for ‘CloudKit.’