Apple has added new options to the Always On Display (AOD) on the iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max with the latest iOS 16.2 Beta 3 release. The iOS 16.2 Beta 3 release brings two new checkbox options for AOD with the ability to hide your wallpaper and to disable notifications.
When the wallpaper option is disabled, the phone will switch to a black screen while in AOD mode. Users will still see the time, date and any widgets they have set. This approach which is the default option on most Android devices and should result in improved battery endurance for iPhone 14 Pro series users. Toggling notifications off will further reduce the clutter on the AOD screen and will just show the time, date and widgets.
The official iOS 16.2 Beta 3 is now available for testers and comes in at 679MB. It contains various bug fixes and improvements which you can check out in the official release notes here.