Apple unveiled the iPhone 14 series recently on its ‘Far Out’ launch event. Following the launch of the iPhone 14 series, reports and leaks about the next iPhone 15 series have already started pouring. The iPhone 15 range will likely be coming in 2023.
As per fresh reports and leaks, Apple might even produce a truly portless iPhone.
Noted analysts Mark Gurman and Ming-Chi Kuo have predicted some details about the next-generation iPhone that are worth looking for. As per the analysts, the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max will be a lot more different to each other than the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max are.
Ming-Chi Kuo hinted that Apple will also start creating differentiation. While Mark Gurman simply said that “Ultra is coming”. However, he did not provide any specifics or predictions about the said device.
The Bloomberg writer has speculated that an Ultra model will be introduced for the iPhone in the next couple of years. Though he doesn’t specifically mention an iPhone 15 Ultra. But, we expect it to be the iPhone 15 as Gurman also belief that an iPhone Ultra is on the way.
The iPhone 15 Ultra is expected to be the first Apple offering with a USB-C port. The rumoured iPhone could be powered by an A17 chip. Many reports have speculated that Apple will introduce a periscope camera for the premium device in the iPhone 15 range, which would be a great selling point to differentiate a potential iPhone 15 Ultra model from the rest of the series. Apart from this, Apple would is expected to provide the latest fantastic Dynamic Island notch solution to the next-geneartion iPhone series and the iPhone 15 Ultra/iPhone 15 Pro Max will have a more new feature.