According to prolific leaker Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple will probably release its second-gen AR headset in the first half of 2025. But this time, instead of one high-end and super-expensive model, Cupertino may introduce two versions. One with better performance and probably an even heftier price tag, and another more-affordable one designed precisely for people who either can’t afford or don’t want to cough up such a large sum for an AR headset.
Unfortunately, Kuo didn’t say anything about the possible price of the budget Apple AR headset or its potential specs, so we don’t exactly know how much more affordable this model will be. However, according to Kuo, the second-gen Apple AR will sell a lot. He stated that “thanks to the second-generation Apple AR/MR product segmentation strategy and ecosystem,” Cupertino may ship around 10 million units of its AR device “as soon as 2025 or 2026.”
We must note that all of this is just a rumor. Apple didn’t say anything about an AR headset, let alone a next-gen AR device with a more affordable version. However, it is possible for Cupertino to release such a budget-friendly model. It has an entry-level iPhone, an entry-level smartwatch, and an entry-level iPad, so it makes sense to have an entry-level AR headset as well.