In 2022, Apple’s focus seems to be shifting to the ‘Pro’ models of the iPhone. As per a new report from Ming-Chi Kuo, the latest A16 Bionic chipset will be exclusive to the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max. Building up on that, the vanilla iPhone 14 and the iPhone 14 Max could feature last year’s A15 Bionic chipset, providing similar performance as the iPhone 13 series. Until now, both the regular and the Pro versions of the iPhone were shipped with the latest chipset. With this move, Apple is expecting a spike in the sales of the premium models of the iPhone 14 Series.
Now, since the Pro models are expected to get an improved camera system this year, an increase in their sales will also benefit the component suppliers of the rear camera including Sny, Largan, Alps and LG Innotek. It is pertinent to mention here that the Pro series is going to be even more expensive than it was last year. The strategic move disappoints some users who are waiting through all the iPhone 13 price drops to get their hands on the regular iPhone 14.
This opens up another area of concern. Every year, the improvement in performance is what drives many people to lay their hands on the new iPhone. However, since the regular iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Max will have a similar performance as the iPhone 13 series, it will be interesting to see how Apple differentiates between the two devices. Discontinuation of the iPhone 13 might be an aggressive move as Apple keeps the regular models longer than it sells the Pro models.
iPhone 14 battery capacity leaked
As per a leak by ShrimpApplePro, Apple iPhone 14 series will arrive with a higher battery capacity than the iPhone 13. The tipster suggests that the vanilla iPhone 14 will come with a 3,279 mAh battery which is almost similar to the 3,227 mah battery on the iPhone 13. It is necessary to mention here that the iPhone 13 offers up to 18 hours of video playback. Then, the new model that could debut with the iPhone 14 lineup — the iPhone 14 Max is said to have a 4,325 mAh battery.
The leakster also mentions the battery capacity of the Pro models in the iPhone 14 lineup. So, the iPhone 14 Pro could come with a 3,200 mAh battery, which looks like a small increase over the iPhone 13 Pro with a 3.095 mAh battery. Again, it is important to note that the iPhone 13 Pro offers up to 28 hours of video playback. Given the slight rise in battery capacity and better power management on the new device, Apple might be able to provide up to 30 hours of video playback on the iPhone 14 Pro.