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The fifth public betas for iOS 16, tvOS 16, and watchOS 9 are now available to the public alongside the first iPadOS 16.1 public beta.
The new public beta versions of the new software should be identical to the developer counterparts, which were released on Tuesday.
Apple announced that iPadOS 16 would not be released along with the other operating systems in September. Instead, a new beta cycle for iPadOS 16.1 would begin, with it releasing later in the fall.
New features in iOS 16 include a redesigned Lock Screen with support for widgets and additional customization, the ability to edit or delete iMessages, and an Apple Pay Later installment plan, among a slew of other features.
As usual, tvOS 16 will receive smaller updates primarily geared toward stability and performance improvements. Some more significant updates include additional gaming controller support, new Smart Home features, and cross-device compatibility.
Updates to watchOS 9 include new workout views and a medications tracking app. A few new watch faces are also available along with updates to older faces to support new complications.
Those interested in trying out the latest features can sign up for Apple’s Beta Software Program and download the new betas from the associated web portal.
- iOS 16: 20A5356a, up from 20A5349b
- iPadOS 16.1: 20B5027f, up from 20A5349b
- tvOS 16: 20J5371a, up from 20J5366a
- watchOS 9: 20R5359a, up from 20R5353a
AppleInsider doesn’t recommend installing any beta on mission-critical devices. Bugs and app issues can get in the way of getting work done, or may even lead to data loss in some cases, so backups are a must.