Apple to roll out contactless in-vehicle fuel payments from the dashboard • NFCW

Apple Carplay dashboard for contactless in-vehicle fuel payments
CARPLAY: Apple is enabling drivers to make contactless in-vehicle fuel payments via their navigation screen

Apple CarPlay users will soon be able to activate fuel station pumps and make contactless in-car payments directly from their vehicle’s navigation and infotainment screen using third-party fuelling apps.

Apple is adding support for fuel payment and other driving task apps to the “next generation” version of its CarPlay solution that it is due to roll out with the release of its iOS 16 update later this year.

“To use the new CarPlay feature this fall, iPhone users will need to download a fuel company’s app to their phone and enter payment credentials to set up the app. After the app is set up, users will be able to tap on their navigation screen to activate a pump and pay,” Reuters reports.

Dallas-based HF Sinclair is among the first fuel companies in the USA to announce that it plans to use the new CarPlay feature to enable drivers to make in-car payments for fuel at its 1,600 gas stations across the country, according to Reuters.

“Fuel apps are just the latest in a sustained push by Apple to make it possible to tap to buy from the navigation screen. It has already opened up CarPlay to apps for parking, electric vehicle charging and ordering food, and it also is adding driving task apps such as logging mileage on business trips,” Reuters adds.

“More information about the next generation of CarPlay will be shared in the future, and vehicles will start to be announced late next year,” Apple says.

Apple revealed that it is to add support for NFC digital car keys for BYD and additional Hyundai vehicles and expand support for digital keys in wallet with the release of iOS 16 in June.

Next: Get your free registration to Contactless World Congress, a new kind of event for a new kind of world.

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