Apple CEO Tim Cook believes spatial computing is a profound technology, with it adding more ways for developers to succeed on top of the already “outstanding” App Store.
Cook was in the UK to end his tour of Europe on behalf of the company, and spoke as part of his visit to Apple’s Battersea Power Station headquarters in London. As well as commenting on Apple’s work on AI, he also discussed apps and the Apple Vision Pro.
“I think the apps today are outstanding,” Cook said according to the Independent.. “It’s a reminder of the empowerment of the App Store. I’m still amazed that an entrepreneur in any country in the world in a basement can start a company and it can be global like that.”
As well as the existing success of the App Store, Cook also talked about the Apple Vision Pro, a headset using spatial computing that is expected to arrive in early 2024.
Cook offers that developers are looking forward to the headset’s release. “We have developer labs in London and Munich, and we’re seeing some incredible work. There’s so much excitement out there.”
The Apple Vision Pro is now part of Cook’s nightly routine, which helps further his understanding of how it could become a major product down the road. He is also keen on getting others to don the head-mounted display for themselves.
“There are huge differences in how people look at it, depending on if they’re read about it or actually tried it,” he explained. “I believe even more about how profound spatial computing is. When you’ve tried it, it’s an aha moment, and you only have a few of those in a lifetime.”
The CEO also touched upon the view that Apple considers itself “tool makers” for people to change the world.
“We’ve always believed our tools should be as easy to use as our products, so we try to make the developer tools simple. It’s the developer’s idea that’s the big lift, not the act of doing it themselves. It’s great to see the validation of that playing out.”