Apple Watch 8’s rumored new sensor just spotted in patent filing

In a week when Samsung unveiled a (currently dormant) temperature sensor for its new Galaxy Watch 5, we now have the biggest indication that Apple will be following suit when the Apple Watch 8 launches next month.  

This week, an Apple patent entitled “Temperature gradient sensing in electronic devices (opens in new tab)”  was spotted by MyHealthyApple (opens in new tab). Though it doesn’t specifically mention the Apple Watch, it does highlight the tech’s possible application in smartwatches, and indeed the only device depicted in the diagrams looks an awful lot like an Apple Watch.

Apple Watch 8 temperature sensor patent

(Image credit: USPTO)

“The temperature probe is configured to generate a voltage corresponding to a temperature gradient between a first end of the probe and a second end of the probe,” the patent reads, adding that it can be applied to “any suitable surface, whether internal or external, of the electronic device.” 

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