Apple Watch just saved its user’s life by detecting a rare life threatening tumor called myxoma. Check details here.
There are several reports of Apple products like iPhones, and Apple Watches saving lives of its users. And now, it is being reported that an Apple smartwatch has saved its users life by detecting a rare tumor. According to a report by, the smartwatch has saved the life of Kim Durkee, a Maine woman by alerting her heart was in atrial fibrillation. “The 67-year-old bought the watch to help monitor her exercise regimen and to summon emergency help should she fall. She never dreamed the watch featuring Minnie Mouse would help diagnose a deadly tumor,” the report said.
After the Apple watch alerted Kim for the atrial fibrillation for a couple of days, she went to the emergency room where the doctors confirmed that her heart was beating erratically as she had a myxoma, a rare, fast growing tumor that was choking off her heart’s blood supply and could have caused a stroke.
Other than the fib, Kim had no other symptoms. “She underwent surgery on June 27. Doctors removed a four-centimeter tumor that almost certainly would’ve killed her,” the report informed.
This is not the first time when an Apple Watch has saved someone’s life. Earlier it was reported that the watch had saved the life of a stranded kayaker and a woman trapped in an icy river.
Similar to the Watch, Apple iPhone has also saved the life of its users. According to the latest incident, an iPhone saved the life of an Ukrainian soldier by stopping a bullet. A video showing how an Apple iPhone 11 Pro stopped a Russian bullet, thereby saving the life of a Ukraine soldier was uploaded on Reddit by u/ThaIgk (Igor K. from UA).
In the video, you will be able to see the Ukrainian soldier taking out his iPhone 11 Pro from his backpack. The iPhone can be seen completely shattered and damaged with a bullet stuck inside. It can be said here that the iPhone 11 Pro acted as a bulletproof vest which saved the life of the soldier! However, the video did not include any details regarding the incident.