With the festive season starting in India, Apple is running a new offer on its online store in the country. You can enjoy a discount of up to Rs. 7,000 ($93) on your purchases through the store.
The offer is eligible on all orders worth at least Rs 41,900. Additionally, the company is offering No Cost EMI on cards from most banks.
Get 7% instant off on purchases made through Apple’s online store in India
Apple’s festive offer is only for a limited time. As a part of the offer, you are eligible to get an instant 7% discount of up to Rs 7,000 across all Apple products. To be eligible for the offer, your total cart value must be more than Rs 41,900 ($560). You can add multiple items to your cart to reach this threshold.
The offer is available for selected HDFC and American Express cards. You can also get No Cost EMI with these cards on your purchase.
This is not the first time Apple has put up a special offer on its Indian online store ahead of the festive season. In 2021, the company bundled a pair of free AirPods on the purchase of select iPhone models.
Apple does not mention how long the festive sale will last. But given the last few years, the deal is unlikely to be available for more than 4-5 days.
Apple rarely discounts its products
It is rare for Apple to offer discounts on its products through its online store. With this offer, the company is trying to capitalize on the festive season where smartphone shipments usually peak for all manufacturers.
If you are in the market for a new iPhone, iPad, or Mac, you should also check out Amazon. The e-commerce giant is holding its own festive sale, where it has heavily discounted the iPhone 12, iPhone 13, and various iPad models.