Home Apple Apple’s September 7 Event Page Features Animated Space-Themed Logo

Apple’s September 7 Event Page Features Animated Space-Themed Logo

Apple will hold its first fall event on Wednesday, September 7, and the event is now featured on Apple’s website. As with all Apple events, if you visit the page on an iPhone or iPad, you can see an interactive augmented reality easter egg.

apple september 2022 event ar logo
For the September 7 event, which is titled “Far Out,” Apple has designed a space-themed Apple logo and a black hole-style experience. Initiating the AR experience puts a black hole in the center of the room, which then shows stars in the shape of an Apple logo as you approach.

The stars continue to coalesce in and out of an Apple logo shape, and you can use pinch gestures to adjust the size of the black hole.

To view the AR experience, open up the Events website on an ‌iPhone‌ or ‌iPad‌ and tap on the Apple logo. From there, you can scan the area around you to see the logo in real time, or view it in “Object” mode to get a clearer picture of what it looks like without having to navigate your physical environment.

Apple’s event will begin at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time on Wednesday, September 7. In addition to being streamed on YouTube, the event can be watched through the events webpage and in the Apple TV app. If you’re unable to watch, you can tune in to the MacRumors live blog on the site or follow along with our MacRumorsLive Twitter account.

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