Articles by Heady Wook – Bitcoin Magazine

Heady Wook is focused on acquiring and using bitcoin privately, and everyday privacy in general. Heady has written several how-to guides and articles on topics like buying bitcoin without KYC and has presented at the OC Bitcoin Network (OCBTCN), which he has been organizing since 2019. Heady gave a talk on Buying Your First Non-KYC Bitcoin at Bear Arms and Bitcoin 2022, by Guns and

Bitcoin, and has been on the State of Bitcoin podcast by Green Candle Investments. Some of his other interests include Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). For instance, most of his writing is open

sourced and he has contributed to open source projects, such as RoninDojo, a privacy focused bitcoin node.

Professional credibility:

Company: OC Bitcoin Network

Job Title: Organizer

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