Articles by Holly Young – Bitcoin Magazine

Holly Young is originally English and has lived in Scotland, Italy and the Netherlands. She is currently resident in the European Bitcoin homeland of Portugal, where she is actively building a Bitcoin community. She has travelled widely in the Americas and in Africa and spent a brief period living on Bitcoin Beach, El Salvadore.

Holly has a PhD in Classical History and has spent most of her professional life in an optimistic (and occasionally successful) attempt to use her research skills to make the world a better place.

Holly became interested in Bitcoin in 2016, when her first contacts with the space were from Antonopoulos’ early lectures and the first online courses on digital currency from the University of Nicosia. She has a popular Meetup called Bitcoin Tribe Algarve and loves bringing people together to network and discuss Bitcoin, help out with questions people new to the space might have, and talk about how Bitcoin changes our lives.

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