Artur’In Offers A Few Unique Touches To Warrant A Spot In Your Marketing Stack

Artur’In automates marketing campaigns and content around new listings or team accomplishments and agent brands.

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Artur’In is a digital marketing automation solution for real estate agents.

Platforms: Browser
Ideal for: All size brokerages, teams, individual agents

Top selling points:

  • Wide array of content
  • Included account manager
  • Content is exclusive to each account
  • MLS integrations
  • Smart KPI monitoring

Top concern:

The market for this service is no doubt crowded, and Artur’In is a worthy entry. Compare all options carefully.

What you should know

Artur’In is more than social media post automation. It creates multifaceted campaigns and content around new listings or team accomplishments and helps users measure their ongoing credibility, visibility and engagement. It helps you solicit reviews from clients, send newsletters and understand what’s working and why.

Of course, like all good marketing tools, Artur’In helps you know what isn’t’ working, too. Using KPIs categorized by the above metrics, users have discussion points to go over upon their monthly account manager check-ins. It’s important to actively benchmark outreach efforts against new business. A visual tweak here and a headline change there can make all the difference for your quarterly GCI.

Artur’In focuses on Google My Business profiles, critical for online notoriety, especially if you ever plan to earn business on referrals. After all, we all use Google vendors recommended to us. If you show up looking ready for business, all the better. This is part of what makes Artur’In more strategic than other proptech options in this category.

To augment the value of that Google profile, the software offers a campaign template for earning online reviews. You can import a recent client list if needed and watch the app for responses. When a testimonial surfaces, it only takes a couple of clicks to translate it into a social media post or email promotion.

The overall use of Google is a smart play, as it can attract those agents who know the value of leveraging more than a social media account. A Google My Business profile is essential to being seen as a credible business, and of course, a valuable and fundamental SEO tactic. Use the posts capability, too.

Artur’In doesn’t replicate social content across each network, opting for a tailored approach. Nice. It’s way too easy to post the same meme to Facebook and halfheartedly tap the “Share to Instagram” button. Make an effort.

I am getting to the point where I don’t want to judge the quality of the content offered by systems in this category. If it’s not good, their users will let them know, and agents, as its collective user base, should hold them accountable for it. At the very least, make sure the content created is something you’ve never seen before and that it’s current.

Artur’In’s blog feature isn’t a blog in the traditional sense, it’s more of an agent landing page with links to websites and social channels with a bio, contact information and an automatic newsletter feed. I’m all for it, especially for those agents with profiles buried under convoluted brokerage subdomains and barely-managed websites.

The company admits to not being the cheapest option out there. And that’s fine. It starts at $199/month. Good marketing shouldn’t be cheap, so fire your nephew or daughter or whoever you have doing it for free.

Overall, the administrative user experience is sound, and the interface does a great job of controlling how the user takes in data and oversees content. It’s modern, quick to learn and feels original.

If your 2022 marketing efforts aren’t paying off, you’re likely not alone. Listings are in short supply and buyers are frustrated and heading back to their rentals. But, remember that marketing is a long game, and now’s the time to focus heavily on brand and message consistency. Take time to shore up your foundations.

This software can help you do that.

Have a technology product you would like to discuss? Email Craig Rowe

Craig C. Rowe started in commercial real estate at the dawn of the dot-com boom, helping an array of commercial real estate companies fortify their online presence and analyze internal software decisions. He now helps agents with technology decisions and marketing through reviewing software and tech for Inman.

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