Ask Wirecutter: Do I Really Need a Portable Air Purifier?

Ask Wirecutter, an advice column written by Annemarie Conte, explores the best approaches to buying, using, and maintaining stuff.

Dear Wirecutter,

I’m moving into a house with a modern HVAC system, and my husband claims that means we’ll no longer need my beloved Coway Mighty air purifier. Is this true? How do I know when I need to use an air purifier? 


Dear C.K.,

Moving is stressful! You’re expected to box up and ship all of your precious treasures and leave behind the not-so-precious ones. This is a challenge, especially when one person’s essential household appliance is another person’s clutter.

In this case, we side with you, C.K.. We think you’ll regret leaving behind that air purifier the first time you burn toast or ragweed season explodes and you need to quickly and efficiently clear out the air in a room.

“I would throw one of your allotted relationship red cards and insist the Coway Mighty comes with you,” says senior staff writer Tim Heffernan, author of our guide to the best air purifiers.

Tim walked me through his immense knowledge of air purifiers to help justify your stance.

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