Ask Wirecutter: I’m So Bad at Drinking Enough Water. Help!

Welcome to Ask Wirecutter, where deputy editor Annemarie Conte helps you figure out how to make the most of your stuff in real life. If you have a shopping conundrum for our advice columnist, submit it using this form.

Dear Wirecutter,

I perpetually feel dehydrated. Unlike everyone else around me, I don’t usually tote around a huge jug of water to sip from. I know I need to drink more water throughout the day. How do I set myself up for success?


Dear M.G.,

It’s now common to see people hauling around 40-plus ounces of water at a time, and it sounds like you’re reluctant to become one of them. Obviously, there are many ways to get the hydration you need. The key is just figuring out what works for you, so drinking more water feels automatic rather than burdensome.

Let’s get to the root of the issue. Do you get distracted and forget to get up and refill your glass? Do you not like the taste of water? Have you not found the right vessel to contain your beverages? What haven’t you tried?

Our staff feels your parched pain, and we have a few tricks up our sleeves (drinks in our glasses?). Try them out. Some of these tips may be just what you need to quench the thirst.

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