ASUS ProArt B760-Creator D4 Review | Introduction and Technical Specifications | CPU & Mainboard

Introduction and Technical Specifications

ASUS ProArt B760-Creator D4 Preview


A long time ago the difference between the needs of gamers and creators was stark. Partly because the concept of a creator was almost wholly confined to people who either did complex designing on CAD systems, or who had their rig plugged into a video editing suite. Nowadays most gamers also indulge in some light streaming, or modding, or even just video and photo editing thanks to the high quality cameras we all have attached to our phones. Man the things I could have photos of from my youth if I had a camera on my phone.

Nowadays of course we’re all creators, even if unintentionally. The ease of Twitch streaming, the popularity of Youtube channels, the simplicity of editing the many photos and videos we take on our phones, or just getting new content for ‘The Gram’ mean that most of us utilise our systems for creation tasks, even if we don’t consider ourselves strictly as creators. After all, ‘content’ is almost a pejorative term, implying that artistic endeavour is meaningless as long as there is a product at the end of the day. Artists and capitalism rarely have been happy bedfellows.

Nonetheless there is the additional benefit of a motherboard aimed at the creative types amongst you in that it doesn’t demand sticking to a rigid formula, and this is something ASUS have taken on board with their ProArt range. Just look at it below, even before we show you it in full on the next page, and you can see it doesn’t look a lot like anything else. How does it perform though?

Technical Specifications


ASUS ProArt B760-Creator D4 Review  
ASUS ProArt B760-Creator D4 Review  

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