If you’ve read any of my other guides, you’ve most likely seen me praising Atomfall already. If you haven’t, check out my review!
Atomfall is Rebellion’s latest creation. The hit makers of Sniper Elite have taken their first dive into the world of first-person RPGs, and it is incredible! However, with incredible RPGs comes turmoil!
You’ve probably found yourself scratching your head when trying to get into District A or the Medical Facility. There isn’t any straightforward entrance.
Don’t worry, here’s how!
District A
District A is probably the most brutal District to enter, especially if you try from the bottom (which is impossible without using an unnecessary amount of medical supplies). The entrance is guarded heavily and will most likely require a little preparation.
There are two methods we’ll be detailing today on how to enter.
Method one: Wyndham Village
You’ll need to go to the Wyndham Village entrance. The only issue is the guard sitting out front.
Even if you haven’t gained the trust of the Protocol soldier, you can easily sneak around the guard by hanging left of the door. There’s a small path that leads around the fence and to the left of the door, outside of the guard’s view.
Once in, make your way through the hallways and unlock the doors leading into the Central Processor room. Make your way back with a battery, and run downstairs.
You’ll notice some blue smoke here. You can either pack a bunch of bandages and med kits, using them every few seconds to keep yourself alive, or get your hands on the tonic from Marge in Casterfell Woods that prevents the disease buildup.
Method Two: Brute Force
I can’t even guarantee this will work, but it’s worth a shot if you’re braver than I was. If you grab a tonic from Marge in Casterfell Woods, you can drink it before entering District A from the bottom, which is accessible from District C.
Make sure you have a battery and jump inside. Climb the ladder and immediately throw the battery in. I can’t promise you’ll make it without a copious amount of batteries, but if you’re unwilling to make the walk-in Skethermoor, it’s an option!
Medical Facility
The Medical Facility is accessible once you’ve unlocked and powered either District A or District C.
Make your way downstairs from either District, and you’ll come out on the ground floor. From here, head to the left side of the giant “Medical” sign and climb the stairs up.
Once on top, turn toward the long-lit hallway. At the end of the hallway is the entrance to the medical facility.