Avowed developers talk with me about companions, quests, and more for Obsidian’s upcoming Xbox RPG

One of my most anticipated games of 2024 is also one of the biggest first-party releases of the year from Xbox. Avowed is the next major title from legendary studio Obsidian Entertainment and is a true, open-world fantasy RPG that will give players an all-new perspective on the world of Eora — the universe that gave rise to both Pillars of Eternity games.

Many have described Avowed as being Obsidian’s take on The Elder Scrolls, but I’m personally just excited to see the studio tackle a more traditional fantasy RPG for the first time. Ahead of Avowed’s release later in the year, I was fortunate enough to get the chance to talk with Avowed Creative Director Carrie Patel and Gameplay Director Gabe Paramo at Obsidian Entertainment to talk about their upcoming Xbox RPG — including the recently revealed gameplay improvements, quests, choices and consequences, companions, and much more.

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