Microsoft’s new Surface Pro 9 just launched, with both Intel- and ARM-based models available depending on whether or not you want to focus on performance or mobility. While the Pro 9’s dimensions have not changed since the previous Pro 8 generation, the port layout has moved around the edges. This prevents effective use of older cases. Luckily, leading case makers have already begun releasing new protection for the Pro 9, and we’ve rounded up the best right here.
Kensington’s BlackBelt cases have been protecting Surface products for years, and the new version for the Pro 9 continues the trend of quality craftsmanship and a precision fit. It hits MIL-STD 810H protection certification, ports and vents remain clear, and you retain full use of the Pro’s stand. A hand strap on the back makes for easy carrying, and a pen loop keeps it close. The case is fully compatible with a Pro keyboard, and a two-year warranty protects your investment.
UAG Metropolis for Surface Pro 9
The UAG Metropolis is another well-known Surface case that now has a Pro 9 version. It features thick corner protection to protect against drops, open port access, and a fully-covered back with custom stand. There’s even a pen clip along the top and anchor points if you’d like to add a sling. It hits MIL-STD 810G drop certification, and it’s compatible with the Pro’s keyboard despite the substantial armoring. A lifetime warranty is included.
UAG Plasma for Surface Pro 9
The Plasma case is UAG’s solution to a life of field work. It comes with a removable shoulder strap and a hand strap that rotates 360 degrees, ensuring you don’t drop your tablet in the mud. It’s light, but it covers the entire back of the Pro 9 and provides its own built-in stand. It even works with the attachable Pro 9 keyboard. Thick corner padding and MIL-STD 810G drop certification are on board, and it comes with a lifetime warranty.
UAG Scout for Surface Pro 9
The UAG Scout Pro 9 case is a lightweight alternative to the Metropolis and Plasma versions. It leaves the Pro 9’s stand free to fold out, yet still offers excellent drop protection with MIL-STD 810G certification. A handstrap just above the stand protects further from drops, and there’s a pen clip along the top to keep it nearby when not in use. It’s fully compatible with attachable Pro keyboards, and it comes with a lifetime warranty.
tomtoc has been a staple of laptop sleeves for years, and its 360 protective laptop case just so happens to fit the Pro 9 like a glove. The buffed sleeve has a carrying handle along the top edge, as well as two extra zippered compartments along the broad front side. A heavy zipper also keeps the main pouch closed to protect your Pro 9. Where does the “360” name come from? Thick padding around all edges (and especially the corners) protects your tablet from damage while in transit.
If we’re making some suggestions
Compared to the Surface Pro 8, the Pro 9 ups performance, moves around ports, and blends the Pro X lineup seamlessly into the same name. The Pro 9 is one of the best Surface PCs you can buy right now, and you’ll want to protect your investment.
Kensington and UAG take the lead with available cases, though we expect to see plenty more during the Pro 9’s lifetime. The Kensington BlackBelt currently costs about $50, putting it in line with the UAG Scout case. They both leave the Pro 9’s built-in stand free to operate, they provide decent drop protection, and they have a hand strap to prevent accidental drops.
If you need full-body protection either the UAG Metropolis or UAG Plasma will get the job done, though they do cost considerably more.
Be sure to have a look at our collection of the best accessories for the Surface Pro 8 and Pro 9 for more great add-ons.