Blizzard has detailed everything you need to know about the Diablo 4 closed beta

What you need to know

  • Diablo 4 developers have released a statement detailing more about the imminent closed beta.
  • The closed beta will focus on the end game Diablo experience as not to ruin story developments.
  • The closed beta will be available on PC, Xbox, Playstation with cross-play and cross-progression.
  • You have until October 11 to update your Blizznet preferences to be in with a chance of receiving an invite. 

Hot on the heels of Diablo 4 footage being leaked from the friends and family closed beta, the developers today released a statement detailing the next stages of their testing phase, a closed beta focused on the Diablo 4 end game. 

In the above video, the developers emphasized how the upcoming closed beta will focus on the end game, and what players can expect following the completion of Diablo 4’s story. In their blog post, they acknowledged that this is where most Diablo players spend their time, and it’s also not their intention to spoil plot points from the main Diablo 4 campaign. To fully put the end game beta through its paces, Blizzard is selecting players with a significant amount of time spent in the end game of Diablo to be invited to this testing phase. 

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