Brilliant Borderlands fan uncovers “the most valuable SHiFT code” for all players after solving a bonkers puzzle — here’s how they did it

What you need to know

  • Borderlands developer Gearbox Software occasionally makes new SHiFT Codes — codes players can use to get some free quality loot in Borderlands 2, The Pre-Sequel, and 3 — for fans to take advantage.
  • During PAX West, Gearbox handed out special cards that contained a hidden code for “the most valuable SHiFT code” it’s ever made.
  • Less than two days later, one brilliant fan cracked the cipher, revealing the code that everyone can now use. It’s found in the text below.
  • This particular SHiFT Code gives 50 Golden Keys and 10 Diamond Keys in Borderlands 3, giving players the opportunity to get a ton of Epic and Legendary gear. These keys can also be duplicated infinitely with a glitch (I explain how it works towards the end of the article).

The popular Seattle gaming convention PAX West ended yesterday, with its final panels capping off four full days of video game celebration. Thanks to the efforts of one brilliant Borderlands fan who solved a hidden puzzle introduced at Gearbox Software’s Main Theater Show, though, players of the popular looter shooter can let the good times roll with a flood of sweet in-game loot.

The existence of that puzzle was revealed when Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford commented on social media that the D20 dice cards handed out at the show had a secret code hidden in them. Though their design appeared inconspicuous — the cards just have an image of a random dice result in the middle, rows and columns of triangles, and some numbers — Pitchford’s statement drove many folks to spring into action and uncover the secret waiting for them.

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