Buy a week’s worth of lattes or my favorite game of 2022 on Black Friday and have hundreds of hours of fun? It’s a no-brainer

I play a lot of Xbox games. It’s both a pleasure and an occupational hazard. Black Friday is a perfect time to pick up something new for your collection, and this one gets my highest recommendation. Dying Light 2 is my favorite game of last year, and it’s on offer right now for just $20, a small price to play for hundreds of hours of fun.

More great Black Friday deals

A huge and engaging open world, delicious parkour, and satisfying melee combat

Grab a sword and hit the streets of Villedor. (Image credit: Windows Central)

Dying Light 2 takes the ideas from the first game and builds upon them. That means melee combat, parkour, a huge map and a tale of despair for humanity. 

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