Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022) becomes first game ported to holographic display

VividQ, a UK-based tech startup focused on developing 3D and holographic experiences, has announced that it is the first in the world to port existing gaming content to a 3D holographic display. The game? 2022’s best-selling first-person shooter, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

According to VividQ, the startup was able to port Modern Warfare 2 (2022) without the need for source content using its proprietary Co-Reality development kit. The kit reportedly allows developers to port existing games, even resource heavy titles like Call of Duty, without any modification while still running at over 100 frames per second with what VividQ calls “game-level graphics at game-play level frame rates.”

How Computer-Generated Holography Solves Key Challenges in AR Displays by Darran Milne, VividQ – YouTube
How Computer-Generated Holography Solves Key Challenges in AR Displays by Darran Milne, VividQ - YouTube

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