Cracked Screen? Samsung Care+ Now Provides Unlimited Free Repairs

Smartphones are getting more and more expensive. Yet, despite that, they’re still made out of one of the most fragile materials that can realistically be used to make a phone—glass. As the famous words from Zack of JerryRigEverything go, “Glass is glass, and glass breaks”.

That’s why watching your phone tumble out of your hands and toward the floor is so heartbreaking. All it takes is one slip-up to fracture your screen or back panel in hideous fashion. Well, if you have a Samsung phone, that’ll be one less headache. The company is now offering Samsung Care+ customers unlimited screen and back glass repairs for free.

Samsung Care+ Now Gives Unlimited Glass Repairs for Free, on the Front or Back

Cracked Screen? Samsung Care+ Now Provides Unlimited Free Repairs 5Cracked Screen? Samsung Care+ Now Provides Unlimited Free Repairs 5
Image: Samsung

Samsung Care+ is best thought of as an insurance scheme for your smartphone. You pay a certain amount of money each month or each year and you’re protected against common scenarios like mechanical damage, theft, and cracked glass. The amount you periodically pay depends on which tier your smartphone falls into (more expensive devices are in higher tiers).

Normally, if you were a Samsung Care+ customer, you’d need to pay a $29 deductible to get your cracked screen or back glass repaired. Considering how much those parts—particularly the screen—cost on a normal day, that’s an insanely good deal. This is especially true if you’re the kind of person whose phones frequently take a whole lot of damage. However, Samsung has just made that deal even better.

If you’re on the Samsung Care+ with Theft and Loss plan in particular, you’ll be happy to know that every time your back panel or screen cracks, you can get it repaired for free, as many times as you want. Yep, you heard that right. The company’s screen and back panel replacements have completely dropped the $29 deductible and are now free.

What Do You Need to Do to Take Advantage?

Cracked Screen? Samsung Care+ Now Provides Unlimited Free Repairs 6Cracked Screen? Samsung Care+ Now Provides Unlimited Free Repairs 6
Image: Peter Holden/TalkAndroid

If you bought your smartphone more than 30 days ago, you won’t be able to take advantage of this deal as devices need to be enrolled in the plan within 30 days of purchase. However, there have been occasions where Samsung has opened registration for the scheme randomly, so your only hope is to wait for one of those times.

However, if you’re an existing Samsung Care+ with Theft and Loss customer, you don’t need to do anything. The change takes place right away, so if you drop your phone right now, you can get it fixed pronto, without paying a dime.

How Much Does Samsung Care+ with Theft and Loss Cost?

Cracked Screen? Samsung Care+ Now Provides Unlimited Free Repairs 7Cracked Screen? Samsung Care+ Now Provides Unlimited Free Repairs 7
Image: Peter Holden/TalkAndroid

As I mentioned earlier, the amount that you pay for Samsung Care+ depends on the Tier that your phone falls under. For monthly payments, you’ll pay $8, $10, $15, and $18 for Tiers 1,2, 3, and 4 respectively. If you’d rather not worry about monthly bills, you can make a single payment to cover 24 months, and that will cost $129, $189, $269, and $349 for the respective tiers.

With that, you get unlimited and free repairs for mechanical breakdowns or a cracked screen or back panel. To repair or replace your device after accidental damage from handling, or ADH, you’ll pay $99.

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