Cryptocurrencies and fan tokens: the key questions


    he UK advertising watchdog’s ruling that Arsenal broke rules around its promotion of crypto-based fan tokens has brought the digital currency and other cryptoassets back into the spotlight.

    Here is a reminder of what cryptocurrencies are, how they work, and why some see them as controversial.

    – So, what is a cryptocurrency?

    In basic terms, they’re a digital currency that is decentralised and therefore not issued or controlled by a single entity such as a bank, and cryptology to carry out transactions securely and in many cases anonymously between two parties.

    The currencies are often built on blockchain networks, a type of digital ledger technology where all transactions are publicly verified and recorded and can not be altered – creating a chain of information that is designed to improve transparency and prevent fraud.

    New currency can also be created through a process known as “mining”, where miners verify transactions for the blockchain and are rewarded with new currency when successfully completed.

    The ruling claimed some fans might not have known what they were investing in (Tim Goode/PA) / PA Wire

    – What makes them controversial?

    Critics argue that the anonymity provided by cryptocurrencies is being exploited by cybercriminals and other scammers, offering an easy way to launder or hide ill-gained funds.

    Another issue is volatility – many currencies have their prices linked to supply and demand, which has caused prices to fluctuate violently in recent years.

    A general lack of understanding and inexperience of cryptocurrencies among the general public has also caused problems, with many unable to differentiate between legitimate adverts for crypto and financial scams posted by cybercriminals.

    The sector also remains unregulated and the UK’s financial watchdog, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has warned that investing in cryptocurrencies is high risk and investors should be prepared to lose all their money.

    Bitcoin is one of the major players in cryptoassets (Dominic Lipinski/PA) / PA Archive

    – So what are these fan tokens?

    In the wake of the rise of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin other forms of cryptoassets have started to appear, such as fan tokens.

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