Data in sport: driving fan engagement and elite performance

    Data can be considered to be one of the most valuable commodities in today’s world – more so than gold, oil and bitcoin. It underpins most business and performance operations; and the organizations that are able to maximize its use are the most successful.

    About the author

    David Ingham is Client Partner of Media, Entertainment & Sport at Cognizant.

    Success in sport is measurable, most often relating to a team or individual’s performance. Data in sport is now used in two different ways: firstly, to drive this on-field success, identifying areas of performance that have improved or are in need of adjustment, exemplified by British Cycling’s policy of marginal gains. Secondly, data is used to improve the spectator and fan experience. Both examples ultimately enable the club, sport and overall industry to monetize their successes in both these areas rather than just promote a winning team or athlete to a wider audience. One example of this dual importance of data is shown in Formula One, a sport which focuses on getting the most from the available data, both on and off track.

    Data-driven performance

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