Dear Windows fans, it’s okay to be jealous of Apple (sometimes)

    Apple Event Peek PerformanceSource: Apple

    Apple unveiled several new pieces of hardware yesterday, including the iPhone SE 3, the Mac Studio, and the iPad Air 5. As is usually the case surrounding these events, Windows enthusiasts took to the web to troll Apple. While it’s usually in good fun, some people choose to ignore anything Apple does well while focusing on blunders or cheekily asking where AirPower is.

    A Magic Mouse that charges from the bottom is stupid. Apple requiring a $400 add-on to make an already expensive stand move up and down is a rip-off. But ignoring that Apple does anything of merit is silly and all too common these days.

    It’s okay to be jealous

    Mac Studio Lifestyle 02Source: Apple

    Mocking Apple is easy, and it can be fun, but can we agree that there’s often a hint of jealousy lurking beneath the hate? When the company unveils an iPad Air running on an M1 chip, do we not privately wish Qualcomm or someone else would create a better Windows on ARM PC? Are we not at least impressed by the interconnectivity and specs of the M1 Ultra?

    I imagine that the vast majority of our regular readers are tech enthusiasts. If we expect Sony fans to be impressed by the design and performance of the Xbox Series X, isn’t it fair to give credit to Apple when it’s due?

    I suggest that people take a page out of our senior editor Zac Bowden’s playbook. He recently explained why Apple’s new Mac Studio Display has him yearning for a Surface Studio monitor.

    Specifically looking at the Peek Performance event, the M1 Ultra and M1 iPad Air 5 stood out. Having multiple CPUs within a system is not a new idea, but as is often the case, Apple took a new approach to an old idea. The M1 Ultra is essentially two M1 Max chips connected in a way that allows programs to view the CPUs as a single chip. We’ll have to wait for benchmarks and full reviews, but it looks like the M1 Ultra will deliver excellent performance, especially when compared to its power draw.

    The M1-powered iPad Air 5 takes the M1 chip that’s appeared in MacBooks and the iPad Pro and places it inside the thin-and-light body of Apple’s thinnest tablet. Again, we’ll have to wait for full reviews, but it seems like the iPad Air 5 will push the limits of what a tablet can deliver while being so thin. Unless the upcoming Snapdragon 8cx Gen 3 CPU blows our minds, it seems that Apple’s iPad Air 5 will take the crown when it comes to delivering high performance in a small body.

    What do you owe Microsoft?

    Surface Laptop Studio Stage ModeSource: Daniel Rubino / Windows Central

    I quite literally make a living writing about technology related to Microsoft, but I don’t owe the company any amount of loyalty. If Microsoft makes a great console, I’ll compliment them. If they launch a dud, I’ll point that out too. I don’t understand the tribalism that drives people to hate anything with a certain logo on it (apart from boycotting a company for ethical reasons).

    You (probably) don’t work for Microsoft. And even if you do, Microsoft has bought into the Apple ecosystem. Pretty much all of the best Microsoft apps are on iOS. Microsoft regularly updates its tools for macOS and the iPad. Aren’t we at a point at which people can just pick the best tool for a job? If you want an iPad, great. If you prefer a Razer Book 13, that’s fine too.

    It’s okay to hate Apple too

    Magic Mouse 2 Charging HeroSource: Windows Central

    Just because Apple has some nice chips and popular tablets doesn’t mean you have to love everything about the company. There is plenty to mock. Apple is the company that charged hundreds of dollars for wheels, after all. Its fans are relentless in praising even the most trivial advancement.

    The Peek Performance event doesn’t erase the rabid fanboys, and the company still hasn’t released a mouse that has a sensible charging solution. What the event did do, however, is showcase where Apple shines, which is making hardware and polishing general concepts. The new M1 CPU options look like they’ll beat competition from Intel, Qualcomm, and AMD in key areas. The iPad Air 5 also looks like it’ll keep Apple atop the mountain when it comes to dedicated tablets.

    I get why people mock Apple, but it discredits valid criticism when you ignore facts. I just think that below all the trolling and jokes, we’re maybe as green with envy as the new iPhone.

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