Despite its stormy red skies, Skyline Valley marks a bright new era for Fallout 76

When I first started playing Fallout 76 in November 2018, I would never have believed I’d be here 6 years later, with the game about to embark on its 17th season of content. Fallout 76 has really risen from the ashes, or should that be the Ash Heap?…to become one of the best Xbox Game Pass games, and it’s about to get even better with its first ever map expansion, Skyline Valley.

Skyline Valley, which will expand the map just at the Southern end of the Savage Divide, brings a bunch of new content to Fallout 76. From story quests, new enemies, events and more secrets to uncover about the residents of Appalachia. Last month, Zenimax and Bethesda were kind enough to invite me and some other outlets out to a preview event for the expansion. There was even a Jello cake!

We each had about an hour with the expansion, so this is a very rough first impression, but an impression nonetheless that’s got me excited to jump back into the world of Fallout 76, which will never be the same. 

Red sky at night, Lost Dwellers delight

(Image credit: Bethesda)

From the jump, the story of Skyline Valley grabs you by the jugular and makes you want to know more about what the heck is going down in Shenandoah National Park. The initial quest actually starts a little further out from the new area, over at Vault 63 in the Ash Heap. Previously inaccessible, its entrance is now entirely destroyed, and you’ll be investigating why.

At this early point I was also introduced to the first new enemy type in Skyline Valley, the Lost Dwellers. These poor souls, wearing Vault 63 jumpsuits are Ghoulified and explode in a burst of electricity upon death. You’re going to want to keep your distance. The Lost are rather similar to the Scorched, if anything just a tad more insane with their ramblings from the shadows. Skyline Valley as a whole is a lot darker in tone than anything else I’ve played in Fallout 76, from the characters to the area itself.

When the story quest points you in the direction of Skyline Valley, you’ll travel down south of the map, to be greeted with a foreboding red sky, with clouds streaked with lightning and a feeling of “I shouldn’t be here.” Honestly, in my notes, I scribbled, “Am I playing Fallout or Dead Space?” The eerie lack of life and atmosphere of something gone terribly wrong is overwhelming, at least until you run into more Lost Dwellers and start fighting for your life again.

At the center of the mysterious storm is what appears to be the source of all this destruction. Dark Hollow Manor. An imposing mansion on the landscape your eye will immediately be drawn to, and you’ll want to explore despite all common sense telling you to turn back and return to brighter skies. 

Dark Hollow Manor will beckon you towards it’s darkened doors (Image credit: Bethesda)

Without spoiling the story, there’s more to discover behind Dark Hollow Manor, and a bunch of fascinating characters to meet as you solve the mystery of Vault 63 and it’s dwellers involvement in this new area. The main quest giver being the enigmatic and ghoulified Hugo Stolz. Born blind, Stolz is the founder of CEO Stolz Enterprises and Overseer of Vault 63, and also electrified but has his wits about him. 

The Curious Case of Hugo Stolz (Image credit: Bethesda)

My main takeaway from the small part of the story I played through, was that the voice acting was impeccable. Of course with Fallout 76 being of a certain age, the engine doesn’t allow for the depth of facial expression we’re used to in more modern titles, but the voice acting for these characters does all the heavy lifting here. 

“If we were to change piece by piece, at what point do we become something brand new?”

Hugo Stolz

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