Deutsche Telekom announces Bitcoin mining plans at BTC Prague — TradingView News

T-Mobile Deutsche Telekom announced that it intends to start mining Bitcoin BTCUSD, expanding upon its ongoing crypto-based activities.

The telecommunications firm has been operating a Bitcoin node since 2023 and is currently running Bitcoin Lightning Network nodes.

Speaking at BTC Prague, Dirk Röder, head of Web3 infrastructure and solutions at Deutsche Telekom, said: 

“Since 2023, we are running a Bitcoin node, and we are running Bitcoin Lightning nodes as well […] I like to let you in on a little secret we will engage in digital monetary photosynthesis soon.”

Former Cointelegraph contributor Joseph Hall asked Röder if he could elaborate on the meaning of “digital monetary photosynthesis,”

“We will.”


T-Mobile already Web3 native

The firm has been actively involved in Web3 as a Polygon validator since June 2023, establishing its position to leverage its extensive infrastructure and secure new revenue streams.

As one of 100 validators, Deutsche Telekom has provided staking and validation services on Polygon for over a year and helped support the platform’s proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. validator since February

In February,, a decentralized artificial intelligence (AI) platform, partnered with Deutsche Telekom to establish enterprise AI. 

As a validator on the blockchain, the telecommunications firm helps to support’s AI-driven autonomous agents.

These autonomous agents provide services in healthcare, automotive, supply chain management and digital identities by managing resources, conducting transactions and analyzing traffic flows.

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