Did Microsoft’s lawyer just leak Elder Scrolls 6’s release date?

What you need to know

  • The FTC and Microsoft are 5 days into an evidentiary hearing over Xbox’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard King.
  • Call of Duty has been at the heart of the FTC’s concerns over the acquisition, but Xbox’s handling of exclusives after Bethesda’s acquisition has drawn some attention, as well.
  • Phil Spencer testified that The Elder Scrolls 6 is at least 5+ years away.
  • Microsoft’s Lawyer, when trying to correct the FTC, accidentally stated that Elder Scrolls 16 was coming in 2026.

The Federal Trade Commission of the US is 5 days into a plea to the federal courts to issue a preliminary injunction against Microsoft to prevent the closure of the Xbox and Activision merger. There’s been no shortage of leaks and reveals during the course of this hearing, including an instance where documents detailed acquisition targets for Microsoft including the likes of Bungie, Sega, 11 bit studios, and Supergiant Games. Additional leaks from poorly redacted documents revealed how much Sony had paid to develop some of their first party titles.

During closing arguments today, the lawyer for Microsoft may have been responsible for yet another slip. This time the slip was about The Elder Scrolls 6:  

Could I clarify one issue that council raised with you, when you were asking about Zenimax and asked him to find a game that was most similar to Xbox, he mentioned Elder Scrolls. That is incorrect. There are two Elder Scrolls games, one is online called Elder Scrolls Online — that is a multiplayer game, it is on PlayStation today. He’s talking about Elder Scrolls 16, that is projected for release in 2026 as a single-player game.

Lawyer speaking on behalf of Microsoft

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