Most streaming services steadily raise prices over time, as they invest more money into content (and try to maximize profits from existing subscribers). This time, it’s Disney+ and Hulu that are increasing prices.
Starting December 8, Disney+ will cost $10.99 per month, up from the current price of $7.99/month. That’s the same day the ad-supported Disney+ subscription will launch, which will cost… $7.99/month. That’s not much of a discount for putting up with advertisements, even if the ads are infrequent — Disney told The Wall Street Journal earlier this year that there would only be around four minutes of ads per hour of watch time.
Hulu, which is also owned by Disney, is raising prices too. Hulu without ads is increasing from $12.99/month to $14.99/month, and Hulu with ads is jumping from $6.99/month to $7.99/month. The changes to Hulu will kick in starting October 10.
Disney isn’t the only company to raise prices for streaming services this year. Netflix increased the cost for its plans by $1-2 back in January, and Amazon Prime (which includes Prime Video) went up in price in February. Disney’s standalone ESPN+ subscription also just increased from $6.99/month to $9.99/month.
Note: The writer of this article owns stock in The Walt Disney Company.