Dow climbs 184 points on gains for shares of Apple Inc., Walt Disney

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average is climbing Monday morning with shares of Apple Inc. and Walt Disney seeing positive growth for the price-weighted average. The Dow

    is trading 184 points higher (0.6%), as shares of Apple Inc.

    and Walt Disney

    are contributing to the index’s intraday rally. Apple Inc.’s shares are up $3.22 (2.4%) while those of Walt Disney have gained $2.83 (1.6%), combining for a roughly 40-point boost for the Dow. Also contributing significantly to the gain are Dow Inc.
    and McDonald’s
    A $1 move in any one of the 30 components of the Dow equates to a 6.58-point swing.

    Editor’s Note: This story was auto-generated by Automated Insights using data from Dow Jones and FactSet. See our market data terms of use.

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