Apple this month announced a new generation, completely redesigned MacBook Air with the M2 chip. And although the new laptop won’t hit stores until next month, the company is already preparing for the launch as it has just made available a macOS update for the new machine. Meanwhile, you can already download the new 2022 MacBook Air wallpapers right here.
The new MacBook Air ditches the classic wedge-shaped design in favor of flat edges similar to the MacBook Pro and iMac. It also features a larger 13.6-inch display that goes edge-to-edge and has a notch on top with the built-in 1080p front-facing camera. Inside, the 2022 MacBook Air comes with the new M2 chip – the second generation of Apple’s Silicon chip family for Macs.
Besides the traditional Space Gray and Silver colors, the new MacBook Air also comes in Starlight (which looks more like a champagne) and Midnight (which is a very dark blue).
Owners of the 2022 MacBook Air will have access to four new wallpapers. However, whether you are someone who has no plans to buy a new MacBook or simply don’t want to wait until next month, we have the new wallpapers for you to download to your device.
Apple has created four new wallpapers that match the colors of the 2022 MacBook Air. They mix silver tones with blue, green, purple, and yellow. In addition to a light version, each wallpaper comes with a dark version as well.
You can download the new 2022 MacBook Air wallpaper in its full resolution below. Be sure to click the (i) button and save the full resolution wallpaper – and then set it via the Photos app or Settings app if you’re using an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
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