Dragon’s Dogma 2 players are using mods to gift free fast travel Portcrystals to their fellow Arisen 🥹

Of all the different rewards and treasures you can earn by exploring and completing quests in Capcom’s long-awaited ARPG Dragon’s Dogma 2, Portcrystals are one of the rarest, and are also arguably one of the most valuable. These magical blue crystalline stones act as anchors you can warp to with Ferrystones when placed, and making use of them the game’s only true fast travel option (you can doze off on oxcarts, but in my experience, a giant monster will usually come along and smash it to pieces).

Only a handful of Portcrystals are available in the vanilla game normally. However, by installing mods like Crazy’s Shop and Item Tweaks, players on PC can buy hundreds of the things from vendors for the amazingly low price of 1 Gold a pop. And by taking advantage of Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Pawn system, several folks using these mods are passing them along to their fellow Arisen like (rock) candy.

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