Ex-Windows chief shares early concept ideas for Windows 8

What you need to know

  • Former Windows chief Steven Sinofsky recently shared a video showing off an early concept of Windows 8.
  • The presentation was shown to Microsoft employees back in 2010 to illustrate how the operating system could look and function.
  • Interestingly, the early designs of Windows 8 included a Start button and a side panel that looked similar to the Windows 11 widgets panel.

The former head of Windows, Steven Sinofsky, shared a video from the early days of Windows 8 recently. The presentation was shown to Microsoft employees back in 2010 to illustrate the concepts of the operating system (via Deskmodder). Windows 8 would later ship in 2012.

Sinofsky’s video is on the YouTube channel Hardcore Software, which the ex-Windows chief runs. 

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