It’s been a long time coming, but Stadia will finally shut down in January of 2023. The service failed to gain “traction with users”, according to Phil Harrison, the Stadia VP and GM. Shockingly, customers will receive full refunds for all Stadia hardware and software purchases.
We’re not surprised by this news. The technology behind Stadia is incredible, and cloud gaming wouldn’t be popular today if Stadia had never existed. But Google did a poor job maintaining and curating this service.
Development of in-house Stadia games ended in early 2021. And a year earlier, Google failed to truly take advantage of the Cyberpunk 2077 launch—this game should have made Stadia a household name; it was unplayable on consoles, but it worked fine on Stadia.
“We will be refunding all Stadia hardware purchases made through the Google Store, and all game and add-on content purchases made through the Stadia store. Players will continue to have access to their games library and play through January 18, 2023 so they can complete final play sessions.”
Anyway, Google expects to fully shut down Stadia on January 18th, 2023. The service may survive a bit longer if Google fails to meet this deadline. Starting today, you can no longer purchase games or DLC through Stadia.
The good news is that Google will refund all Stadia hardware purchases made through the Google Store. It will also refund any games or DLC purchased on the Stadia service. Instructions to receive your refund will be shared through Google’s Help Page at a later date. (Note that Stadia Pro subscriptions aren’t eligible for a refund.)
It was nice knowing you, Stadia. You had a lot of potential, but like most Google services, you were born into neglect. Oh well!
Source: Google