Google taunts RCS-less iPhone with ‘iPager’ [Video]

Google started “Get the Message” last year to pressure Apple into supporting RCS on the iPhone, and the campaign continues today with “iPager.”

Google is mocking how the iPhone doesn’t use RCS and still uses the decades-old SMS/MMS protocol for messaging with Android users by equating it to an “iPager.” The video mimics a product announcement reel with silhouette views and slow pans. “Hello” even appears on the screen of the pager in a nod to the original Macintosh introduction in 1984 and the 2007 iPhone ad about calling

Outdated messaging tech like Apple still uses to text with Android 

The lack of RCS support is responsible for “causing modern texting nightmares,” like zero encryption, broken group chats, pixelated videos, and the “infamous Green Bubble.”

Google says it’s “Time for SMS to exit the chat” and wants people to needle Apple by using  #GetTheMessage on social media. It ends with a link to and the new animated mascot. Funny moments include how the iPager is actually “not for sale” and how the one upside of the fictional gadget is that you’d get a belt clip.

The production value of this 72-second video (set to “Connected” by Stereo MC’s) is pretty good – though it could be shorter – and shareable, which is presumably the hope. Google previously did a physical billboard blitz in New York City after Get The Message launched.

It’s been a year since the campaign got underway, while Apple just released a new operating system update with iOS 17. There’s no support for RCS there. The public approach that Google is taking here continues to be interesting as it otherwise has a good working relationship with Apple in other areas, like Bluetooth tracker detection.

More on Google Messages:

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