Google uses Drake’s new Texts Go Green song to pressure Apple into adopting RCS

Honestly, Never mind.


  • Anonymous
  • rM1

iPhone user here. I’ve never had an issue texting someone on Android. The only time I’ve ever had an issue, is when someone switches to Android and doesn’t unregister their phone number from iMessage. Yes, Apple should 100% adopt RCS for non-iMessage contacts, but this whole Blue vs Green debate is nonsense. Blue = your text message was sent via your data plan over iMessage, whereas Green = your text message was via your cell carrier’s text message allotment. I understand that most people have both unlimited data and unlimited texting, but the original differentiation was still a vital indicator to cellular subscriber whose monthly texting allowance was 250-500 messages (wow am I glad those days are gone).


google Never support BlackBerry, Nokia symbian , microsoft , sailfish os , tizen os etc or any other os !

But still cry over rcs !


  • Anonymous
  • Kxf

wtf with this article??


  • Anonymous
  • mx}

This news article is a bit of a mess isn’t it? Just on about drake (talentless musician if you can call him a musician… Not really), talk about trash he’s released linking to chat bubbles or something (this is what modern mubble rap or “pop rap” is, just talk about going clubs, twitter and chat bubbles on iPhones) and then how android want apple to change it and new form of sms, all in the space of a paragraph or 2. Lol

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