Helldivers 2 Major Order says if we liberate all Automaton planets, we’ll wipe them out

What you need to know

  • Following successful defensive efforts at Malevelon Creek, Ubanea, and Draupnir, the new Helldivers 2 Major Order is directing players to liberate planets Tibit, Durgen, and Maia by early Monday morning.
  • If the Helldivers can achieve this, they’ll boot the Automatons from the Galactic War completely, with the game suggesting they’ll be destroyed “once and for all.”
  • However, between whispers of something called “The Reclamation” and ominous cloaked warships in orbit near Automaton planets, it’s clear that the bot menace’s defeat won’t be final. What’s more likely is that they’ll soon return and launch a counteroffensive.
  • The primary target of that counteroffensive may be Cyberstan, the homeworld of the Cyborg race from the first Helldivers game that’s suspected to be the creators of the Automatons. The Cyborgs were sealed away in the mines of Cyberstan during the first Galactic War, though the Automatons may free them in this one.

After well over a week of brutal fighting across many planets in the Xzar and Severin Sectors, Operation Swift Disassembly is soon coming to an end in Helldivers 2. Following Super Earth’s successful defense of Malevelon Creek, Ubanea, and Draupnir against Automaton counterattack, players are poised to boot the bot menace from the galaxy completely — and that’s precisely what the new Major Order from the top brass is directing them to do. If the Helldivers can liberate Tibit, Durgen, and Maia by early Monday morning, they’ll “completely destroy the Automaton Legion.”

The full brief from Super Earth High Command details the situation in full. “OP SWIFT DISASSEMBLY, PHASE IV (FINAL): ANNIHILATION. All Helldivers are ordered to make an all-out push to completely destroy the Automaton Legion. Despite the enemy’s losses, Automaton messages still include references to ‘The Reclamation.’ They must be annihilated before this plan can be carried out,” it reads. “Countless Helldivers gave their lives to acquire this opportunity. Do not let their sacrifices be in vain. Protect our way of life. Destroy the Automatons at any cost.”

As my Democracy Officer says, the chance to eradicate the bots “once and for all” is an exciting one. But — and please don’t report me to the Ministry of Truth for saying this — it’s obvious that their defeat here won’t be final. In-game text has made it clear it’s not known where the Automatons actually came from, and recently, they’ve been broadcasting to sectors outside of known space. And let’s be honest, there’s no way something as ominous as “The Reclamation” refers to the small-scale counterattacks we’ve been thwarting.

Sorry if this is undemocratic, but I strongly doubt the Automatons will be defeated for good after this Major Order ends. (Image credit: PlayStation Studios)

What I suspect will happen is that we’ll succeed at taking the Automatons out temporarily, only for them to return in a week or two and initiate a massive counteroffensive with reinforcements from the unknown regions. Players have been catching glimpses of cloaked warships in orbit near Automaton planets, after all, and these may be massing troops and materiel in preparation for the assault.

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