Here’s who to follow on Mastodon for all your Windows and tech needs

Putting aside your thoughts on Twitter’s management lately, one thing is certain is that the decentralized Mastodon (found on the “Fediverse”) is rapidly growing in popularity, with some estimates putting it with around 9 million registered users by the end of the year. That’s a sharp increase from just over a million a few months ago.

The problem with Mastodon is discovery: Finding people and topics you want to follow. Unlike Twitter, Mastodon has no algorithms and doesn’t try to recommend anything to you. Your feed is just that: A real-time, chronological list of postings from people you follow and nothing more. And while you can search for people, it only works for people on your Mastodon “instance,” that is, the server you joined (you can switch servers later, however, and keep all your followers).

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