What happened
Cardano‘s (CRYPTO:ADA) ADA token is gaining ground amid rebound momentum for the broader cryptocurrency market. ADA was up roughly 7.3% over the previous 24 hours as of 3 p.m. ET. Bitcoin was up roughly 5.6%, while Ethereum‘s ether token had climbed 6.5%.
The cryptocurrency market got hit hard last week as investors focused on the emergence of a new coronavirus variant dubbed omicron, but market sentiment appears to be shifting again. Many major crypto tokens are posting big gains on Monday, and Cardano’s ADA token is participating in the pricing rebound.
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So what
With the new coronavirus variant creating a fresh source of uncertainty last week, investors moved out of high-risk cryptocurrencies and stocks, and Cardano and many other leading altcoins suffered steep valuation pullbacks. Cardano’s sell-off last week was especially pronounced because eToro also announced that it would start limiting trading of ADA and TRON‘s TRX token for U.S.-based users of its trading platform, prompting significant sell-offs for each of the tokens.
Crypto investors seem to have digested the risks posed by the omicron variant, and ADA’s valuation is climbing thanks to the shift in sentiment. However, even with the recent recovery, the token is still down roughly 10% over the last seven days.
Now what
Cardano provides a blockchain-based network for the development and execution of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. The company’s ADA token is used as the currency for transacting on the network, and it’s possible that increased adoption of Cardano and services built on its blockchain will work to drive the price of its cryptocurrency significantly above current levels.
The ADA token has surged this year as Cardano has gained favor as a network for DeFi network services, and its roughly $53 billion market cap makes it the sixth-largest cryptocurrency. The token’s gains have been incredible, but there have also been some big pricing swings along the way. ADA trades down roughly 46% from its lifetime high of $2.97 per token, but investors should keep in mind that regulatory risks and the potential for dramatic volatility in the crypto space mean it’s still a high-risk investment.
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