Hi-Fi Rush is obviously a big success, but it was initially a ‘huge challenge’ for the horror-focused studio

What you need to know

  • In the latest Xbox Wire, Tango Gameworks developers explained the story behind the creation of its surprise hit, Hi-Fi Rush. 
  • The game was kept in secret development for five years and was a major departure from the developer’s usual horror genre.
  • Game Director, John Johanas, had the idea for the game for a while and his vision helped guide the team.
  • Initially, Lead Art Director, Keita Sakai, thought the concept for Hi-Fi Rush was a joke and was surprised that it was selected for development.
  • Though many were initially daunted by the project, the Tango Gameworks team feels like they now have gained important experience that allows them to make more non-horror games going forward. 

Today’s Xbox Wire focused on the story behind the development of Tango Gameworks’ surprise hit, Hi-Fi Rush — a rhythm fighting game that shadow-dropped earlier this year and instantly became a success. However, it turns out that the game was a “huge challenge” for the studio which had previously primarily created more realistic-looking horror games. 

As explained by members of the Tango Gamework’s team — which includes Game Director John Johanas, Lead Programmer Yuji Nakamura, Lead Art Director Keita Sakai, and Audio Director Shuichi Kobori — the initial idea for a rhythm fighting game came from Johanas who likens the concept to something you’d randomly suggest and then forget about shortly thereafter. “It’s one of those ideas that you would say when drunk and then that’s it, you wouldn’t do anything with it… It must have been, I want to say, 10 years ago or something where I had this general idea.” Johanas provided the main vision behind the game, created the characters, came up with the plot, and explained his ideas for the rest of the team to follow throughout development. 

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