Hilarious Fallout 4 gun mod adds The Simpsons’ iconic ‘magazine revolver

What you need to know

  • One of the funniest gun-related gags in The Simpsons is a moment in Season 30’s “Daddicus Finch” episode where a revolver is bizarrely loaded with a magazine.
  • This “magazine revolver” has been added to Fallout 4 thanks to a new gun mod called “Simpson’s Gun.” 
  • The weapon can be customized with multiple attachments seen in the show’s “The Cartridge Family” episode, and even has cartoonish cel shaded textures. In the future, the mod will be updated with more attachments and custom animations.
  • The mod is currently only available for the PC version of the game, though an Xbox version could come later.

If you’ve ever spent time modding Fallout 4 or have at least looked through the game’s Nexus Mods page, you’ll be familiar with the massive number of gun mods fans have created over the years. Bethesda’s 2015 action RPG doesn’t exactly have an impressive arsenal of weapons compared to what was available in previous Fallout titles, so community members have taken it upon themselves to mod in everything from hyper-detailed “tacticool” firearms to tasteful lore-friendly guns and overhauls to vanilla ones.

Notably, the only type of weapon mod that isn’t often seen on the Fallout 4 Nexus are joke ones, but user DeadPool2099 has recently uploaded one of the funniest meme gun mods I’ve ever seen. That mod is “Simpson’s Gun,” and it adds the gag revolver from The Simpsons that was hilariously loaded with a magazine during Season 30’s “Daddicus Finch” episode.

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