Hitman 3 infiltrates Cyber Monday with huge discount on Xbox

    Did you have one of those Thanksgivings that was jam-packed with relatives you just can’t stand? Might you have had to work over the course of the holiday weekend, creating a misdirected sense of animosity toward those who could properly enjoy the end of November? Whomever you harbor unhealthy degrees of resentment toward, know that you can vent all your frustrations and act out your most morbid fantasies via the majestic game that is Hitman 3, otherwise known as Creative Killing Simulator 2021.

    Ever wanted to scale a skyscraper in Dubai solely for the purpose of offing some people with absurd degrees of oil money? Or crush a guy with a giant winepress? Hitman 3 will provide you with gaming experiences unlike any other title on the market. And it’s a blast whether you’re on Xbox One or Xbox Series X. A blast that won’t even set you back $30, thanks to Cyber Monday.

    Hitman 3 is a game that doesn’t get a lot of insane deals, so a chance to grab it for less than half of its launch price is a special occasion worth paying attention to.

    Hitman 3 Box Art

    Hitman 3

    Hitman 3 is not a game to be missed if you want to take out high-profile individuals in the most comedic and demented ways possible. Think James Bond meets John Wick with a bit of David O. Russell humor mixed in there.

    You’ll notice the price varies depending on where you buy. We’ve listed the options under $30 here (you can get Hitman 3 as low as $19 at Gamestop if you go pre-owned) since those are worthwhile deals. Don’t be tricked by Amazon listings still keeping the title in the $40 or $50 range. And be sure to check out the rest of the best Cyber Monday Xbox Series X deals in order to score some last-minute savings before Cyber Monday 2021 officially dies.

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