How Microsoft 365 gave my American football team the tools to excel

Two of my biggest passions are technology and American football. When I get the chance, I do everything in my power to connect those threads. Over the years, I’ve used a variety of technologies to bolster my American football team, Nottingham Caesars U19. 

I’ve stood in the rain on the sideline with an Acer Enduro rugged tablet. I use pole-mounted cameras controlled from a remote office to film practices (here’s me filming the Great Britain Men’s team I am also on the staff of). I even used ChatGPT to create a gym plan that’s helped shape team fitness plans. But throughout the years, one of my most consistent technological partners has been Microsoft 365.

Nottingham Caesars U19

Each offensive player on Nottingham Caesars U19 has a wrist coach created with Microsoft Excel. (Image credit: Nottingham Caesars U19)

This piece is about how I use Microsoft apps and services to help my team, so I’ll spend the majority of the piece focusing on the tech. But it’s probably worth some context on who the Nottingham Caesars are, especially given the fact that many are surprised that American football is played locally in the UK.

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