How Often Do You Actually Need to Wash Your Face?

Though your skin type can be a helpful marker for selecting your daily cleanser, some people may prefer to have a second face wash in rotation for other needs, such as managing acne or removing makeup.

For example, cleansers with salicylic acid, used one to three times a week, can help manage excess oil and prevent breakouts, Robinson says. Benzoyl peroxide cleansers are another option; most people with acne can use them once daily, but those with dry and acne-prone skin may prefer to limit use to just a few times a week. Spizuoco also recommends choosing a lower concentration (2.5% to 5% benzoyl peroxide) instead of the stronger, 10% formulas, which are often used for body acne. If you decide to use a benzoyl peroxide cleanser, be sure to rinse it all off or use a white towel, as this ingredient can bleach towels and sheets.

If you wear makeup or sunscreen, you may find a second cleanser helpful for removal. This method, called double cleansing, most often calls upon an oil-based cleanser or micellar water to remove makeup and sunscreen before application of a water-based cleanser. This isn’t the same as using pure oils, such as jojoba oil, to remove your makeup, though. Cosmetic chemist Michelle Wong explained that while pure oils may help to dissolve makeup, you most often need to wash them off fully to avoid leaving residue behind. However, oil cleansers—such as Then I Met You Living Cleansing Balm, which is highlighted in our Korean skin-care guide—are formulated with surfactants that help rinse off debris more effectively, often leaving little to no residue.

Though some people with very dry skin might be satisfied using just an oil-based cleanser as their main and only face wash, esthetician Joanna Vargas suggests sticking to formulas that leave your skin feeling clean and fresh. If you have residue remaining on your skin once you rinse your cleanser off, you might need a water-based cleanser as a second step.

The universal rule, according to the experts I interviewed, is that cleansing should create a clean surface without irritating the skin. “It should never leave you red or sensitized. If that is happening, maybe it’s not right for you,” says Vargas.

Not every cleanser is right for everyone, nor is cleansing twice a day a rigid necessity. Like a therapist, I can’t dish out blanket recommendations for how to live your life or how to wash your face. Instead, I can help you come to your own conclusion about the great face-wash debate.

Even with all of the nuance I described above, the very therapist-core response I give at parties still rings true: “It all depends on how you, and your skin, feel.”

This article was edited by Hannah Rimm and Maxine Builder.

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